Registration for the Spring 2025 season is OPEN.
Coach Rick Anderson was recognized at Nats Park on Sunday, 9 Jun as the 2024 NFC Volunteer of the Year!
Babe Ruth is an international organization promoting youth baseball observing the Safe Sport Act. We are the local chapter for 13 - 18 year-olds. Northern Fairfax County Babe Ruth (NFC Babe Ruth) territory stretches from RT 7 to RT 28. Traditionally our players come from Chantilly Little League, Herndon Reston Youth Baseball -Cal Ripken and Reston-Herndon Little League but we accept all players including those with little or no experience in playing baseball.
We form teams locally and play on local fields. Also, we play teams from Babe Ruth leagues in Fairfax and other counties.
Players play at the level where their abilities are best suited. There are three levels:
13-14 year old level where inexperienced players become acclimated to the 90 foot field with other players with similar abilities.
14 - 15/16 year old level for those more experienced players.
16-18 year old level for those high-school aged players.
Travel teams allow for extra games for those wanting more baseball at a competitive setting.
All-Stars are for the best players who will represent the league during district and higher level Babe Ruth Tournaments.